Val Butcher


With over four decades in the financial services industry, Val possesses invaluable experience that has shaped his impressive career. Beginning as an investment advisor at Paine Webber, he quickly gained recognition as the “National Rookie of the Year” before transitioning to Prudential Bache Securities. As his career progressed, Val honed his focus on life insurance and corporate planning, ultimately becoming one of the nation’s top producers for an impressive 10-year span at Penn Mutual.

Val’s journey exemplifies his unwavering commitment to excellence and his continuous contribution to the financial services industry. In his role as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), he leverages his insights to collaborate with fellow professionals, influencing the organization’s future.

Beyond the financial realm, Val is a dedicated fitness enthusiast, engaging in rigorous workouts six days a week. This commitment to physical well-being aligns seamlessly with his strong work ethic and pursuit of excellence, reflecting a holistic approach to health.

Val’s greatest joy comes from his enduring partnership with his wife, Jan, spanning over 45 years of love and companionship. Together, they’ve nurtured a beautiful family of five grown children and an

ever-expanding clan of 11 grandchildren. Beyond financial matters, Val and Jan find solace in their shared love for travel and the simple joy of watching baseball games together.

Contact Information:
email | [email protected]

phone | (801) 281-3411

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